Window Well Covers & Grates
Window well covers and grates offer protection as well as style to your basement egress system. Well covers prevent people and pets from falling into open wells. They also provide protection from weather and keep leaves and other yard debris from cluttering the window well. In addition, they make a great source of natural light for your basement.
Window Well Covers and Grates:
There are a wide variety of covers that can accommodate your window well system. Each provides a safe escape route in the event of a fire. Many of the covers are made from durable polycarbonate or plastic that can withstand a significant amount of weight. Styles vary from dome to hinged and sizes accompany each brand of window well.
Grates are generally manufactured of steel and provide added protection from animals or people falling into the well. They allow not only natural light but also ventilation to your well system. Grates are an affordable option to help protect your family both inside and outside the home.